We are currently experiencing a surge in demand which may be causing issues with previewing your Flextag. To ensure your order is processed correctly, connect your account to verify or email info@flextag.io

Make it easy for people to recognise
you at your next event or meetup.

*Please note. As we are in beta, we are currently accepting orders from the USA only.

Foundation Partners

OnChain MonkeyShonen JunkdGENParty AnimalzBlockshimiThe SevensPhantom ModeChika CorpNounsEyes of FashionPsychedelics AnonymousBad BearsVeeDaoMetaMotorsClubhouse ArchivesAtlas Lyons Club3Landers

Interested in your community becoming a foundation partner?

Reach out on Twitter

Why Flextag?

Event lanyards suck. Standing in a small group trying to peer at someone's name and figure out who they are is frustrating and a common experience at conferences, events, and meetups.

Your digital identity is seen by your wider audience hundreds of times a day, and you come to know your wider network via their online profiles. So we created a simple way to recognize someone with just a glance.

Gimme the specs!

V1.0 Flextags are 2.5” x 4.24” metal tags with double-sided printing to ensure your profile is always visible.

Where are they available?

Currently Flextags are only available for shipping in the USA. We do have plans to make them available internationally in the future. Stay tuned for updates.

What is a Flexmark and should I get one?

A Flexmark is our FREE verification checkmark that appears on your badge if you connect your Twitter account.

It lets people know that you are the verified owner of the @username on your badge.

We do not collect any other data from your Twitter account.

How much is a Flextag?

Flextags are USD $39.99 including shipping. We are offering early discount codes through our Foundation Partners so make sure you enquire with the project or community.

When will my Flextag Arrive?

Flextags are shipped on a weekly basis.
We will email you with the status of your tag and a tracking code when it has been produced and shipped.

Follow us @flextags
